<img src="http://comicartcommunity.com/siteimages/brianbolland.jpg" alt="Brian Bolland - anybody have a better picture?" align="right" border="0">Brian Bolland is a living legend in the field of comic art. You have seen his art grace the covers of many titles for DC. Every one is a total knock out. Thanks to <a href="http://www.desperadostudios.com/Bolland.0.html" target="_blank">Joe Pruett</a> for some of the images in this gallery.<p>Find more info on Brian Bolland at these sites:</p><ul><li type="circle"><a href="http://www.desperadostudios.com/Bolland.0.html" target="_blank">Desperado Studios</a> (the official rep for Brian Bolland)<li type="circle"><a href="http://www.brianbolland.com/" target="_blank">The Brian Bolland Cover Gallery</a><li type="circle"><a href="http://www.jensantarelli.com/bollandgallery/" target="_blank">The Brian Bolland Image Gallery</a></ul><b>Add your artwork to this folder by registering and clicking "Upload"!</b> (Hits: 252788)
Found: 272 image(s) on 19 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 15.