Home/O/Pat Olliffe/Mayday Parker- 10 Years of Spider-Girl

Mayday Parker- 10 Years of Spider-Girl

Mayday Parker- 10 Years of Spider-Girl

Image Details

Description: May "Mayday" Parker aka Spider-Girl, celebrating 10 Years Worth of Old School Storytelling

by Pat Olliffe

Pat Olliffe served as the first regular artist on the original Spider-Girl run.

The Amazing Spider-Girl Comic Book is planned to be cancelled with Issue #30. If you would like to know how to help or more information on the comic book then head over to http://www.savespidergirl.com
Date: 12.30.2008 05:56
Hits: 42505
Added by: Guest
Keywords: May, Mayday, Parker, Spider-Girl, Olliffe

Comic Art Commissions - for Buyers and Artists

Developed by : Big T Productions, Inc.